Hair Transplant for Women

Hair transplant for women is a trendy procedure, especially in recent days. By nature, women are individuals who care more about their hair and give more importance to their appearance. For these reasons, it can be said that hair loss in women will cause more negative emotions than men.

It is considered normal to lose an average of 100-150 hair strands daily. However, exceeding these figures can lead to hair thinning and even baldness. In this case, it will be possible for women to achieve the look they dream of by having hair transplantation.

Is Hair Transplant for Women Possible?

Hair loss in women can occur due to an unhealthy diet, intense stress, and hormonal irregularities. Today, the importance of hair among the elements of aesthetic appearance has led to the need for hair transplantation.

Of course, women will be able to have a hair transplant operation as men. Having this operation is not necessary to be in any age range. After determining the cause and degree of hair loss with the first examination, information will be given about whether the patient can have a hair transplant or not.

What Is Hair Transplant for Women? How to Perform Hair Transplant for Women?

Before hair transplant for women, the hair loss category is determined using the Ludwig Classification. Hair transplantation is performed according to this classification in the patient. Unlike men, hair loss in women occurs in the front and midlines. Shedding, which starts with partial dilution, may turn into local baldness over time.

In hair transplantation for men, all hair is scraped, and root collection is performed after the scraping process. Since this will not be possible visually in women, healthy root collection is performed without scraping. The donor collection is taken from the nape between the two ears. After a study lasting approximately 3 hours, donors to be transferred to bald and sparse regions are collected.

After hair transplant for women, donor collection is sparse and bald areas of the patient are determined. Minimal channels are opened in this determined area, and a suitable ground is created for the placement of the grafts. After the channels are opened in the region, healthy donors are placed at an average angle of 35-45 degrees. The transfer process, carried out meticulously, may take up to 7-8 hours.

Since minimal needles and incisions are made during the hair transplant for women, there is no pain. Nevertheless, local anaesthesia is given to the patient before the procedure, aiming to relax and minimise the feeling of pain. How many grafts will be used in hair transplantation varies according to the condition of the hair. Since women are sparse and bald areas are more limited than men, an average of 1000-3000 grafts will be sufficient.

Does Hair Transplantation Affect Women? What Should Be Considered After Hair Transplant for Women?

What kind of result will be obtained after a hair transplant for women depends on the process after transplantation. It is recommended that patients avoid heavy work for the first three days after hair transplantation. Hats, scarves, buckles and objects that will tighten the transplanted area should not be used.

It should be treated very gently until the hair follicles heal, and care should be taken not to use chemical products after hair transplantation. Since hair care products will not be innocent, only products recommended by the doctor should be included in this process. In case of any negativity, colour change and intense hair loss, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

It is usual for women to lose hair in the first months after hair transplantation. It should be noted that over time, the quality of the hair will increase, and it will reach the desired appearance. A dense and voluminous hair appearance will be achieved within approximately 6-8 months after transplantation.

Since different methods can be used in female hair transplantation, no definite information can be given about whether or not there will be any scars. While the probability of scarring with the Sapphire FUE hair transplant for women method is very low, the likelihood of scarring in the transplantations made with the FUT hair transplant for women method is relatively high.

Reviews of women who have had hair transplants are generally positive. Many users state that after transplantation, their hair becomes denser, gains volume and responds to all procedures.

Hair Transplant for Women Cost

Female hair transplant prices may vary depending on the transplant method. In addition, the width of the area to be transplanted and the number of grafts to be used are also influential in determining the price. Hair transplant for women and men is an application that requires expertise.

For this reason, doctors who are experts in their fields, experienced and receiving positive feedback should be preferred. Hair transplant for women, which is not performed by a special team, can cause many complications.

You can also benefit from hair transplant for women Turkey options whenever you wish. Hair transplant for women Turkey costs is always budget-friendly. If you prefer our clinic, you can also have transportation, accommodation and various entertainment opportunities during your treatment.