
Blepharoplasty is an aesthetic procedure especially preferred by those uncomfortable with the eye area. Surgical operations are provided within the scope of this process. As a result of the procedures performed by aesthetic surgeons, the eye and its surroundings gain a new form. Thus, getting rid of the tired and former appearance is possible.

Depending on ageing, the person’s first symptoms appear in and around the eyes. Symptoms occur due to both collagen deficiency and eye fatigue. Especially with insomnia and hard work, eye bags occur. This appearance has many adverse effects on the person. Therefore, blepharoplasty is frequently preferred.

What Is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is an operation considered within the scope of aesthetic surgery. It is done to make changes in the eye and its surroundings, which attracts the most attention, especially on the face of the person. After the blepharoplasty surgery, improvement occurs in the eyelid or under-eye bag. Mainly thanks to this surgery, the person will look much younger than he is.

1- How is Blepharoplasty Performed?

One of the first blepharoplasty techniques covers only the eyelid. The mentioned aesthetics is not just due to ageing. A congenital droopy eyelid causes the problem. Lower eyelids both cause a tired look and create problems when applying make-up.

Eyelid aesthetics will be performed starting just below the eyebrow. The person emerges by lifting and tightening the droopy eyelid appearance. A healthy appearance is formed on the lid, whose distance from the eye is opened. The excess tissue can be removed to create a more taut structure if there is an excessive fold in the eyelid.

2- How Is Blepharoplasty Done?

Eyelid surgery is mainly concerned with signs of ageing and fatigue. The skin sagging and wrinkles on the eyelid and around the eyes of the patient are treated. After a small number of incisions, the eye bag is collected. If necessary, dark circles can be opened by making the light filling.

3- Blepharoplasty Recovery Process

Eyelid aesthetics heal faster than other aesthetic operations. Of course, the patient’s condition is also decisive in the healing process. The patient usually returns to his daily life 3-4 days after the operation. No element requires him to lie down or rest. Thus, it quickly recovers from the effects of the process.

4- Who Performs Blepharoplasty Surgery?

As with all general aesthetic operations, this operation will be performed by a plastic surgeon who is an expert in his field. The aesthetic surgeon will do the planning shortly after receiving information about the patient’s condition and complaints. As a result of the planning, the patient’s satisfaction is aimed at realising the surgical operation.

5- What Should Those Who Have Blepharoplasty Take Care Of?

As with any surgery, there are issues to be considered after blepharoplasty. The head should be kept high, especially when lying down on the first night after the surgery. From the first day, it is essential that the patient does not touch the operation area with water and does not expose it to the extra sun. Especially make-up is not recommended for the first week so that the operation area is protected from possible infections.

6- What are the Comments of Those Who Have Blepharoplasty?

With the advancing age, those with eyelid aesthetics emphasise that the results are positive when the right surgeon is selected. Not only age but also those who have a job in front of the computer state that they get rid of eye bags only in this way. Although women generally make comments, the situation is not limited to this.

Men also have eyelid and eye bag aesthetics as much as women. Since there is no surgical difference between men and women, it should be emphasised that the comments developed are generally positive. However, choosing the right clinic and specialist is always emphasised before eyelid and eye bag aesthetics.

7- Blepharoplasty in Turkey Prices?

If you want eyelid aesthetics, you should visit our clinic in Istanbul. We also assist our patients from abroad with accommodation and sightseeing in the city. In addition, the patients who come to the clinic are checked under the supervision of a doctor, and the current eyelid and eye bag aesthetic prices are stated.